
Full Circle Counseling & Coaching is a private psychotherapy practice in West Linn and Lake Oswego, Oregon specializing in helping health care professionals.

Meet Frosty

Frosty is an emotional assistance dog in training. He has several clients he works with as an apprentice. Frosty is trained to identify the emotions of clients and provide comfort as needed and requested. He takes his job very seriously from the moment you arrive to escorting you to your car. When not needed, Frosty comfortably remains in his crate keeping the "high watch" for you. There is no additional fee and your wishes to have him available or not available will always be respected!

Elizabeth Hartshorn, LPC, MAC

Experience & Credentials

  • Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

  • Mental Health and Addiction Counselor, 30+ years

  • Clinical Supervision Provider, 10+ years

  • National Professional Continuing Education Presenter for CETRAININGS Workshop

  • Former Adjunct Faculty in Counselor Education Program, Portland State University

  • Nationally Certified Master Addiction Counselor (MAC)

  • Clinical Supervisor, Oregon Board Professional Counselor Licensed Therapist (OBPCLT) Approved 

  • Board Member, Oregon Board of Professional Counselors and Licensed Therapists, 2010 - 2013

  • Ongoing professional training

30+ years experience in mental health and addiction counseling while also trail blazing my own healing journey.

Many of us in the helping professions find that experiences of illness, aging, trauma, death, or loss will bring us into the archetype of the wounded healer.

There have been times in my own life when I experienced traumatic events, persistent physical pain and mental suffering. I am not a stranger to the feelings of hopelessness and despair, the darkness of depression and the paralysis of anxiety. This was my initiation as a wounded healer. Through acceptance, surrender, and a great deal of support, I found that the process of my own healing deepened my compassion and understanding of others who are wounded themselves. It has given me a deep desire to help others transform their pain in profound ways. And I now shamelessly consider myself a Wounded Healer who specializes in helping other wounded healers.

As a Licensed Professional Counselor, I bring the credentials and 30+ years experience to effectively treat healthcare professionals - in addition to the wisdom of my own healing journey.

I am a nationally certified Master Addiction Counselor, former adjunct professor in the counselor education program at a number of universities, and have provided clinical supervision for new therapists for the last 10+ years. I served on the Oregon Board of Professional Counselors and Licensed Therapists, and continually engage in my own ongoing professional training and personal development.


“Honest, direct, no nonsense.”

Anthony Gagliardo, LCSW, Owner, Icarus Counseling

“Her professionalism, integrity, and commitment to the field are second to none”

Rich Roell, LCSW, Program Director
Washington County Crisis Team, Hawthorn Walk-In Center

"Elizabeth is professional and strong. She is empathetic and understanding. She is unapologetically human."

Retired Principal K-12

My Approach

My approach is a combination of depth therapy, existential therapy, and Jungian oriented therapy. Depth Therapy and Jungian-Oriented Therapy are related by making “the unconscious conscious” (James Hollis, Jungian Analyst, Depth Therapist and author). In other words, when we are not aware of unconscious driving forces, they interfere with our ability to fully understand our needs, wants, and to live a meaningful life. We may repeat destructive patterns, develop addictions, have relationship difficulties, and experience mental and physical health problems when we are not fully aware of the underlying causes. The phrase, "it's never about what it's about" is a way of saying that, as we peel away the layers and dive deeper into the unconscious through dreams, symbolism, talk therapy and exploring synchronicities - we begin to understand and appreciate our lives more. We truly get to the root of the problem so lasting change and life satisfaction can occur.

“A mandala is a psychological expression of the totality of self.” - Carl Jung

Carl Jung The Red Book Page 152

C.G. Jung, The Red Book, Page 152

Get Started

Reach out to to see if we’re a good fit.