Regain your identity, autonomy and heal from the moral injury of working in non-resilient systems. Become the Empowered Healer you are here to be, conquer burnout, and reignite your passion as a health care professional.


“Only the wounded physician heals... and then only to the extent he has healed himself.” - Carl Jung

Part of becoming a seasoned professional is experiencing physical, emotional and mental challenges to solve, in both our patients and ourselves.

It is a normal and inevitable part of the human experience. Yet those of us whose role it is to heal others tend to hide our wounds, leading us down a path of internal suffering and disconnection from the real reason we became a healthcare professional.

When we start to explore ourselves through the archetype of the wounded healer, we are able to become the empowered healer.

We discover more confidence, commitment and connection with ourselves, our work, and our patients. We are able to conquer burnout that we were once plagued with… and reignite our passion and purpose in our professional lives and beyond.

Through this Online Coaching Program, Empowered Healing is an opportunity for you to recognize that you are not alone. You will feel seen and supported as you become the empowered healer that you are.


"This course helped me realize who I am as a healer and how to practice my work in a meaningful way. I feel less fearful for advocating for myself, I have more inspiration and clarity in my work.”

Psychotherapist in Private Practice / age 47

"I was feeling sloppy in my work and it really rubbed up against my values and was sacrificing who I am. Authentic Healer helped me feel passionate again about my work and my life"

Psychologist / age 45

"I've learned I am a wounded healer and to be more patient with myself and the healing process"

Physician / age 55

“I am more confident and determined in my work. I feel less alone and have realized how much I was draining myself by over caring" 

Dental Hygienist / age 36

“Before I started this Program, I didn't fully feel like me. Now, I am more confident in myself, more at ease, setting better boundaries, less fearful"

Nurse / age 37

Get Started

Empowered HealING
Online & In-Person Coaching Program

Join other health care professionals in a confidential, online sanctuary.

Through this six month, 12 session coaching program you will master more confidence, commitment and connection with yourself, your work, and your patients. Conquer burnout and reignite your passion and purpose as The Empowered Healer you are here to be.

What to Expect

  • Discover the true cause and remedy of your burnout

  • Restore your energy and passion

  • Recommit to practicing your values in a system that does not support it

  • Confidently set boundaries in your personal life and work

  • No longer sacrifice who you are or accepting the “moral injury” from profit driven healthcare practices

  • Feel more inspired and gain clarity in your life’s work

  • Connect with a supportive community of professionals who “get it”

  • Soothe and calm the nervous system

  • Develop life serving skills for self care